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Citrus Drying Machine


Citrus, often eaten directly. But the dried citrus can be used for other purposes, such as medicine. Citrus drying is generally divided into two forms: natural drying of citrus, which is suitable for family workshops. The second is to use mechanical drying, which is suitable for the drying of large quantities of citrus. At the same time, it can effectively control the temperature and humidity of Citrus in the drying process, so that the drying quality of citrus is more uniform.

Citrus dryer

Working principle of Citrus dryer

After the citrus is thin skinned or pressed, it is put into the feeding end of the mesh belt dryer for paving. At the same time, it is dehydrated after entering the drying room, and then it is dried.

Citrus can not only be dried as a small whole for medicinal purposes, but also the peel of citrus can be dried for medicinal purposes, and the citrus residue after juicing can also be dried. Dried citrus products are used in many ways and processed according to the requirements of different regions. At the same time, citrus can also be used as seasoning after drying.

the mesh belt dryer

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